We receive a high volume of mail and phone calls so to better respond to your needs we ask that you please note the following: The links on our home page cover almost everything; clicking and reading the appropriate link BEFORE getting in touch with us will serve to address most questions and circumstances. This will keep our phone lines open for further communications and enable us to return calls in a timely manner in addition to reducing unnecessary and time consuming emails.
Southwest German Shepherd Rescue prefers to begin adoptions with a phone interview, so please call Steff if you are interested in adopting or fostering a dog listed on our website.
White German Shepherd Rescue prefers that you complete the online adoption application, found on any of the white dog's bio pages.
We are among very few rescues that, barring anything unforeseen or long distance travel, update our site EVERY DAY, often several times a day, so info is current.
> Receiving one-liner emails asking, "Is so and so available?" makes us crazy. With rare exception, if a dog is listed under "Dogs Available for Adoption," the dog is available.
Most, not all, dogs are shown on weekends, so if a dog has a pending adoption, it will usually be posted by Sunday evening or Monday morning.
> If instructions are to call us, please don't send us an email with your phone number, just call us!
> If the dog's bio indicates "no cats" or "no children under [a certain age]," etc. we cannot make an exception for you. It means that we know this particular dog is not well suited for whatever is indicated.
> What does "ADOPTION PENDING" mean?
The dog has been shown to a pre-approved prospect and a home visit or some other step is pending. The adopters might have travel or moving plans and are not ready for actual placement until they return. We will continue to respond to inquiries on that dog until adoption is final. Stuff happens in rescue ;-)Once the adoption contract is signed and the dog is placed in their new home, their status will change to "ADOPTED." A photo of the dog and new owner can then be viewed in "Successful or Past Placements"
> What does "FOSTER-TO-ADOPT" mean?
Some bios will indicate that the dog might be in a foster-to-adopt situation; typically the foster has two weeks to let us know of their intention to adopt. We continue to screen applicants during this time with the understanding that the dog might be adopted by the foster family, however, the dog will not be shown until after the initial two-week period.We might have another dog suitable for you that is not yet posted, so starting the process anyway is a good idea.
> I would like to surrender my dog and place him in your program to be re-homed. He has some immediate medical or surgical needs...Will you pay for that?
The short answer is probably not. When we rescue an ownerless dog we take a gamble; we generally have no idea what health needs, if any, the dog has until we have vetted and done blood work. Sometimes the dog has been injured or there is some other obvious and immediate need. Once committed to that dog, however, we're in for whatever it takes to restore them to health and adoptable condition. In many cases where the bills run into thousands of dollars, we are forced to solicit help in the form of donations from the general public. Thus we are usually begging for financial help ourselves.
In essence; we strive to help as many ownerless dogs (with no advocate) as we can, such as strays, shelter dogs or abandoned dogs, some of whom require expensive or ongoing care. Most, even if not very sick, require medications, vaccinations, spay or neutering, chipping, etc. which adoption fees rarely fully cover.
Unfortunately we receive calls regularly from both private parties and even veterinarians asking us to pay owner's vet bills. Regrettably, we simply do not have the resources to do so. We wish we did.
That said, we WILL do everything possible to assist, whether it be utilizing some of the discounts available to us (applies only to dogs in our program) to referring you to groups and organizations that were created specifically for the purpose of helping with veterinary costs. There are many such organizations and they all have different parameters. There is a partial list posted below.
> I have to re-home my dog TEMPORARILY....Can you foster or board my dog until I'm ready to take him back?
This comes up more frequently than you might imagine; moving, divorce, military, unexpected emergencies. Aside from a referral to organizations or groups established to help those in the military that have been deployed (see links below), we have not met with much success obtaining long term fostering for private parties. We have tremendous challenges with finding fosters for our dogs waiting for adoption as it is.
We can refer you to friends who do long term boarding, however, keeping a GSD in a kennel environment for a prolonged period of time is expensive and has a very negative psychological impact on the dog; thus the duration of separation is an important factor.
> My dog has bitten someone...will you rehome him?
Depends entirely on the exact circumstances of the bite and the temperament of the dog. Many people place German Shepherds in situations they shouldn't. This is a naturally protective and territorial breed which requires very responsible ownership. Training, socialization and proper intros to strangers are imperative.
> I have surrendered my dog to you and he/she is now in your foster care; if you are not able to place her/him after a period of time, will you euthanize the dog or take to the pound?
NEVER!! We save dogs, we do not euthanize; we take dogs OUT of shelters. Your dog remains in our program for however long it takes to find a permanent home.
> Some photos have a border and others don't...why?
Photos with a border can sometimes be clicked on for more info. In some software, all photos have a border, but active links will usually be a different color when active and then clicked on. On the available dogs page, it means their bio is still accessible. Many pictures throughout the site, as on the successful placements and other pages also have borders which enables you to read that dog's special story.
> I've been following a particular dog with an interest in adoption and now it shows "Staying Home." What does that mean?
When we feel it's appropriate and surrendering owners are receptive to help and training in order to keep the dog they were considering re-homing, we provide such help so that the dog can remain in its' present home. Or, when it comes time to show their dog to a prospective adopter, sometimes a surrendering owner changes their mind and decides to withdraw their dog from our program, finding that they are unable to part with the dog afterall.
EMAIL: SWGSDRescue@aol.com--for general questionsWGSDR: EMAIL: WhiteGSDRescue@aol.com
THANKS for helping us help the fur kids!!
Medical financial assistance resources:
IMOM.ORG - CARE: Companion Animal Resource Effort - Veterinary Care Partnership
Snail Mail: IMOM, Inc. PO Box 181 Pennsville, NJ 08070
Financial Aid Committee (General Emergency Fund) (630) 214-8952
Financial Aid Committee (Diabetic Pets Fund) (425) 940-9203
Financial Aid Committee (General Sponsor) (630) 214-8952
www.thepetfund.com -- 916-443-6007
The AAHA Foundation -- 1-866-4Helpets
Other Sources Who Might Help
Assistance Programs:
NetPetsFosterTips for Military Pet Owners Being Deployed
NetPetsFosterOperation Noble Foster
NetPetsFosterCentral PA Dogs - Help For Pet Owners / Military Deployment
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